Our goal is to provide the best Home Inspector Training.

We believe that your training experience is greatly enhanced by our focus on the following key areas:

  • Training Manuals: We wrote our own manuals and have continued to improve them over the years. We deliver them in three-ring binders so we can update the information whenever it is necessary. The manuals, study guides, handouts and field exercises are simply the best available in the industry, at least from our admittedly biased viewpoint.


  • Instructors: The instructors' knowledge and industry experience are certainly important, but even more important are their communication skills. We thoroughly enjoy teaching the class and our students say it shows. We are committed to the Home Inspection industry and although we do own a Home Inspection company we hold nothing back. Yes, we are training our future competitors but we all benefit if the industry is more professional. We believe that!


  • Classroom: As you can tell by the pictures on this website, our classroom is both designed to be comfortable and with state of the art presentation technology. More important is the culture of the classroom. Interaction between the instructor and the students is vital, you don't learn nearly as much when someone is talking at you. We learn when people take the time to talk with us and help us with what we are not understanding.


  • Field Training: The 12 hours we spend in the field does meet the state requirements, but it is simply not enough. We try to make the time as productive as possible and have our own handwritten report checklist designed specifically for learning while doing. We do recommend that you use report writing software after class, but the learning curve for these programs would take the focus away from your learning process. The Field Exercises manual is the latest addition to the training and resource library we provide you with. We are very excited about this important addition. The field exercises are designed to assist you when there is something in the manuals that you are not completely understanding to be a guidebook for you to gain more field training on your own.    

We encourage you to come in and see the classroom, meet an instructor and look through our training manuals before signing up for any Home Inspector course. Give us a call at 317-496-0699 with any questions about our course, State regulations or the Home Inspection industry. We would be happy to hear from you.